In the Netherlands, livestock farming is among the most advanced sectors. The Dutch integrated pig chain is innovative, efficient and sustainable. Close cooperation between government, agricultural entrepreneurs and knowledge institutions has resulted in state-of-the-art technology and breeding programmes that are both sustainable and animal-friendly.
The GITAH Porcino Cluster wants to extend this invitation to work together with Argentina. Together we can provide the world with more efficient, environmentally-friendly, social, and economically sustainable pig products. By working together, we can positively influence the lives of people and animals. Economic growth and jobs for people, improved the health and well-being of animals.
The Argentinian pig sector has developed rapidly in recent years, and the combination of global trends and the country’s natural conditions mean future prospects for the sector are bright. We would like to help Argentina take advantage of these trends: to become self-sufficient first, and cater to the international demand for pig meat afterwards. Through knowledge transfer and training we provide farmers with the tools to sustainably develop their business further and improve their own lives as well as that of their animals. People, animals, and the planet all benefit.
By working together, we can accelerate the transition to more sustainable pig farming. So, let’s exchange information, knowledge, and technology and inspire each other and the rest of the world, how together we can farm the future!