AgroVision and Forfarmers joined forces 2.5 years ago to jointly develop analysis software that collects all feed and milk data from all dairy customers in the Netherlands, UK, Belgium and Germany in one program: the Robot Analysis Program (RAP). With this real-time data, ForFarmers can optimally support the dairy farmer. This month, both parties celebrated the successful project with 1000 connected dairy farmers.
Real time on farm data
With the current complex circumstances in the agricultural sector, the need for strong and integrated advice is becoming increasingly important. With more than 10,000 dairy farmers customers, ForFarmers’ 300 advisors have a big job to monitor the results properly and to provide its customers with good advice. This is almost impossible without the use of quality on-farm data and the right tools. This is made possible with the RAP software from AgroVision and Forfarmers. RAP collects all feed and milk data from all types of milking robots of all connected customers 24/7. At this moment 1000 dairy are connected to RAP.
Next level advice for dairy farmers
The collaboration between Forfarmers and AgroVision goes back a long way. In the past, both companies had already developed programs to monitor milk yield (Melkveemonitor) and to produce nutritional advice (OptiFeed). Nevertheless, ForFarmers had the ambition to take the advisory tools to a higher level. By bringing milk and feed data together in a real-time environment, the dairy customer gains additional benefits. To quote Henry Verwaijen (Marketing Director Ruminants ForFarmers): “A few years ago we made the choice to make more use of real time data instead of static data. In this way we move from one photo every 4-6 weeks to a real-time movie with the aim of being more proactive. This allows us to identify and advise much faster. By being on top of the ball and steering quickly, the customer benefits greatly from this. You could imagine this enormous amount of data and benchmark possibilities also leads to new insights and better advice.”
Lots of benefits for ForFarmers
The ForFarmers advisors have good experiences with RAP. They indicate that the program is very user-friendly and provides good analyzes which ultimately leads to more satisfied customers. Working with RAP therefore offers many advantages for ForFarmers. Jarich Westra Project Lead at ForFarmers explains: “After the farmer has given permission, we can collect an enormous amount of data and monitor it in real time, even in those countries where we do not have access to milk delivery data, such as in the UK and Germany. But above all, RAP has a direct link with our own business as a food supplier. It shows the relationship between concentrate feed and milk production, a dataset that we did not have available before. Finally, every advisor has 24/7 access to the data of his clients; as a result, we do not always have to go to the farmer to give advice. From home or office, we immediately help the dairy farmer if necessary; this way he doesn’t have to wait for his next visit”.
Predecessor of Dairy Analytics
The ‘Robot Analysis Program’ (RAP) was built for ForFarmers as a frontrunner in the Dairy Analytics product family of AgroVision. Dairy Analytics has the advantage to make data connections with all process computers from all brands. RAP has an add-on to make excellent robot analysis.
AgroVision supplies specialized software for the international agricultural sector. We offer products for the entire agricultural chain, from farmers to agribusiness. We have tailor made solutions for all sections from production to processing to marketing.
ForFarmers (Lochem, the Netherlands) is an international organisation that provides complete innovative feed solutions for conventional and organic livestock farming.